Théâtre Pôvre vieille démocrasseuse

  • Théâtre Pôvre vieille démocrasseuse©
Created in 2021 by the Théâtre de la Passerelle in Limoges, this show is the second part of a triptych based on texts by Quebec author Marc Favreau, performed by a superb theatrical clown: Marie Thomas. The poetry of these texts, born of neologisms, mixes and twists of “evils”, and their existential, political and philosophical relevance, form a timeless show that is only sharpened today, as humanity persists in turning “the world upside down”. Beyond Marc Favreau’s words, the great quality of these shows lies in the duo formed by Marie Thomas and Michel Bruzat, whose subtle, gentle staging, without didacticism, gives full rein to the text, its performer and their respective convolutions.

Full adult price : 15,00 €

Group rate : 10,00 €

Other rates : 10,00 € à 13,00 €

Period (s) Morning Afternoon Opening day Closing day
28/09/2024 - 28/09/202420:3021:55--

Join by public transport