Ronsard : Les Odes Bourgueilloises – Parcours artistique : hors les murs de l’abbaye

  • Ronsard : Les Odes Bourgueilloises – Parcours artistique : hors les murs de l’abbaye©
The royal abbey of St Pierre de Bourgueil and its town played an important role in Pierre de Ronsard?s life. So, to mark the anniversary of Ronsard?s birth on September 11, 1524, we thought it only fitting to celebrate the poet at the abbey. To mark the tribute paid to Ronsard as part of the “Odes bourgueilloises”, an art and history trail starting at the royal abbey of Saint Pierre de Bourgueil links various sites in the town evoking the memory of the poet: public garden, library, Place du Pin?

Period (s) Morning Afternoon Opening day Closing day
22/06/2024 - 22/09/2024----

Join by public transport