Randonnée familiale au bord du Cher de Véretz à Larçay

  • Randonnée familiale au bord du Cher de Véretz à Larçay©
Learn about the history and future of the Cher and its lockhouses with the Pays d?art et d?histoire Loire Touraine and Nouvel Espace du Cher. This 3 km itinerary will take you from the church in Véretz to the lockstation in Larçay. Departure at 10 a.m. for a 2-hour walk (not including the return journey). Meeting point in front of Véretz church. Return possible on foot, by minibus shuttle or by boat with Les Mariniers du Jean Bricau (2 boats, 10 and 5 seats, 5?/passenger, crossing approx. 15m). This event is organized by the Pays d?art et d?histoire Loire Touraine as part of the Journées Européennes du Patrimoine 2024. Reservations recommended.

Period (s) Morning Afternoon Opening day Closing day
22/09/2024 - 22/09/202410:0012:00--

Associated services

  • Outdoor events category

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