Papy Stub ! Planète Satourne

  • Papy Stub ! Planète Satourne©
Papy Stub! Xavier Stubbe is back with his eighth album as Papy Stub: the official winner of the Papy Stub contest! A free electron on stage or on his motorcycle, Papy Stub is a dynamic and funny grandpa, a seasoned children?s companion and a singer of gentle, rock and even hip-hop stories. The tone is set: Papy Stub is right up with the times. Pop songs with chiselled lyrics, hand-crafted staging, performed in an obviously electric set and energy! Papy Stub is sure to surprise you! Watch out! These candy-flavored songs are addictive for young and old alike. An event as part of the City of Tours festival: Planète Satourne!

Period (s) Morning Afternoon Opening day Closing day
23/02/2025 - 23/02/2025----

Join by public transport