Mack & the Keystones + Elie Garcia Trio

  • Mack & the Keystones + Elie Garcia Trio©
Mack and the Keystones return to the Bateau Ivre for a release party that’ll have your neck swaying to the point of torticollis. Don’t forget your anti-inflammatories. After a memorable first edition in 2023, the band are back with their new album, funkier than ever: grooves à la Prince, chiselled riffs, and always that deeply Motown soul. This “Feel Good” music will keep you smiling all evening long. Opening the evening, the Charlie Hunter-inspired Elie Garcia Trio take to the Bateau deck with their refined swing and blues/funk accents. A tip of the hat to 90s jazz and 2000s neo-soul, they’ll have you on your feet from the hold to the balcony!

Other rates : 11,00 €

Full adult price : 13,00 €

Full adult price : 15,00 €

Period (s) Morning Afternoon Opening day Closing day
15/05/2025 - 15/05/2025----

Join by public transport