
  • M1©
Spoken languages ​​:French, English
Home groups:no
Description:Owner nearby, Laundry room, Courtyard, Own entrance, Storey, Shared garden, Bike room, Attached to owner's home, Car park nearby, Own bathroom, Patio set, Private ablutions, Enclosed site, Patio balcony

Weekend (apartment) : 125,00 € à 130,00 €

Week (appartment) : 390,00 € à 410,00 €

Night (furnished rental) : 125,00 € à 130,00 €

Weekend (apartment) : 177,00 € à 185,00 €

Means of payment

  • Cheques
  • Cash
  • Money transfer

Period (s) Morning Afternoon Opening day Closing day
16/03/2024 - 31/12/202410:00 - 20:00 - Monday - Tuesday - Wednesday - Thursday - Friday - Saturday - Sunday

  • Accueil Vélo hébergement touristique en
  • Apartment category
  • Coffee machine en
  • Equipment for children en
  • Heating en
  • La Loire à vélo en
  • Microwave en
  • Refrigerator en
  • Sheets and linen included en
  • Swimming pool en
  • Television en

Join by public transport