Le Misanthrope

  • Le Misanthrope©
A special look at Molière’s famous play Célimène is twenty years old,” says Molière. That’s all well and good. But what if she were past fifty, past that fateful sell-by date called menopause? What if all the characters in this story had aged? Would their desire have waned? Would the stakes of power be softened, erased? Would the comedy of certain situations turn to melancholy or pathos? With what force would Molière’s text then be heard? This is what we’re going to experience with this middle-aged Misanthrope, as a glimpse into the human condition.

Full adult price : 16,00 €

Other rates : 12,00 €

Period (s) Morning Afternoon Opening day Closing day
12/10/2024 - 12/10/202420:30---

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