Le lamantin qui guinche

Leisure facilities

  • Le lamantin qui guinche©
Located on the banks of the Loire, “le Lamantin qui quinche” welcomes you from breakfast (9am) to 11/00pm. We offer a variety of drinks and continuous stakning.Spoken languages ​​:French, English
Languages ​​documentation:French
Visiting languages:French
Home groups:yes
Information panel :French

Proposed activities:Leisure facilities

Period (s) Morning Afternoon Opening day Closing day
01/05/2024 - 05/10/2024 - -

  • Bar en
  • Catering on site en
  • On-site ablutions en
  • Parking en
  • Play area en
  • Wifi en
  • Leisure facilities
  • Guinguette

Join by public transport