A magical labyrinth covering several hectares opens its doors for two months of summer with an original concept: a labyrinth in which YOU are the hero! Every decision you make and every path you take will affect your destiny! At the end of the course and your wizarding exams, you’ll find out whether you’ve graduated from the Forces of Good or the Forces of Evil! And for apprentice wizards, a high-flying magical investigation to solve! 2-hour adventure in a cornfield. Nocturnes every Wednesday & Saturday evenings and Terreurs Nocturnes on 18/07 and 22/08 (not recommended for under-12s). Snacks and drinks on site.Spoken languages :French, English
Languages documentation:French
Home groups:yes
Information panel :French
Languages documentation:French
Home groups:yes
Information panel :French
Full adult price : 9,00 €
Child rate : 8,00 €
Period (s) | Morning | Afternoon | Opening day | Closing day |
Associated services
Bar en
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Picnic area en