La vache qui rock – Cie Colbock

  • La vache qui rock – Cie Colbock©
Liberté – Égalité – Bonbons à volonté! La Vache qui Rock is one hell of a band! And for their third show, their energy is still intact. For several years now, these brothers and sisters have been sending out steaks as they share their passion: Rock for kids. The Tap Tap drummer is more of a punk, but he’s losing his teeth, guitarist Maïkeul almost speaks English, singer Jimmy is the strongest in the universe and the galaxy, and sings with a high-pitched voice, while singer Cindy invents dances with her feet, arms and ears. A sassy concert with super-contagious madness for all children old enough to jump, dance and sing! Sassy rock for young audiences Cie Colbolk (37) Cast: Singer and author: Barbara Ramb

Period (s) Morning Afternoon Opening day Closing day
06/11/2024 - 06/11/202414:3015:45--

  • Family event - for children category

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