La Compagnie Les Toupies vous convie chez Pia et Jean-Luc Fauconnier

  • La Compagnie Les Toupies vous convie chez Pia et Jean-Luc Fauconnier©
On September 28 and 29, Compagnie Les Toupies invites you to Pia and Jean-Luc Fauconnier’s home. Come and discover the poems of Blaise Cendrars and traditional African tales. These shows are in support of the PSE (Pour un Sourire d’Enfant) association, taking Cambodian children from misery to a job. On Saturday September 28 at 8pm, come and discover the poems of Blaise Cendrars: Des Pâques au Transsibérien” performed by Sabine d’Halluin and Frédéric Thérisod. Price: 12? Sunday September 29 at 3pm, discover traditional African tales “Angali Galitra, contes d’Afriques noire” performed by Sabine d’Halluin and Didier Moreira. Single ticket price: 5?

Other rates : 12,00 €

Other rates : 5,00 €

Period (s) Morning Afternoon Opening day Closing day
28/09/2024 - 29/09/2024----

Join by public transport