La Chauve SouriT

As part of the Pink October campaign, the Médiathèque de Chambray-lès-Tours is hosting “La Chauve souriT”, a one-woman show written and performed by Caroline Le Flour, who recounts her fight against cancer with humor, authenticity and casualness. The strength of this story is that it is as funny as it is poignant, giving this personal adventure a universal dimension. Caroline Le Flour defines herself as a multi-recidivist resilient. Despite burn-out, cancer, infertility and depression, Caroline has kept her sense of humor through thick and thin. Her motto? Support and raise awareness through laughter! “Do you want to laugh at illness? Feel how much life there is? This is the place!

Period (s) Morning Afternoon Opening day Closing day
16/10/2024 - 16/10/202419:0020:30--

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