Hôtel Cabu – Musée d’Histoire et d’Archéologie d’Orléans

  • Hôtel Cabu – Musée d’Histoire et d’Archéologie d’Orléans©
Sixteenth century archaeological and historical museum of Orléans. This Renaissance hotel is ascribed to the architect, Jacques I Androuet du Cerceau and was built in 1550 for Philippe Cabu, a lawyer at Châtelet. The façade overlooking the courtyard is organised on three levels and is bedecked with a rich decor, with three superposed orders, typical of the style of Henry II. It contains a Gallo-Roman archaeology room, a medieval history collection, representations of Joan of Arc, ceramics and a room devoted to the port of Orléans and its activities.

A Renaissance hotel ascribed to Jacques I Androuet du Cerceau and built for Philippe Cabu, a lawyer at Châtelet. The faaçade overlooking the courtyard is organised on three levels, typical of the style of Henry II. As you cross the threshold of the elegant manor house, you will discover the treasure of Neuvy-en-Sullias in the archaeology room: a collection of Gallo-Roman and Gallic bronze of international renown. Other interesting features include a room devoted to the port of Orléans, a medieval history collection, the statuary of Saint-Benoît-sur-Loire and Germigny-des-Prés, Joan of Arc iconography, and porcelains, ceramics and pewters made by local and regional artisans. Sixteenth century archaeological and historical museum of Orléans. This Renaissance hotel is ascribed to the architec

Spoken languages ​​:French, English
Languages ​​documentation:English, Spanish
Visiting languages:French, English
Home groups:yes
Information panel :French English Spanish

Full adult price : 8,00 €

Discount rate : 4,00 €

Discount rate : 4,00 €

Means of payment

  • American Express
  • Debit cards
  • Cheques
  • Holiday vouchers
  • Cash

Period (s) Morning Afternoon Opening day Closing day

Individual visits

Free visit (permanence):yes
Free visit (request):no
Guided tour (permanence):no
Guided tour (request):yes
Duration of the visit:01:30
Free tasting:
Tasting fee:

Group tours

Free visit (permanence):no
Free visit (request):yes
Guided tour (permanence):no
Guided tour (request):yes
Duration of the visit:01:30
Free tasting:
Tasting fee:

  • Activities en
  • Adult workshop en
  • Historical sites and monuments category
  • Junior workshop en
  • Luggage storage en
  • Museum - Interpreting centre category
  • Shop en
  • Temporary exhibitions en
  • Ville d'art et d'histoire en
  • Archeology
  • Fine arts
  • History
  • House and building
  • Industry
  • Know-how, crafts
  • Popular arts and traditions
  • Professions / trades
  • Science and technology
  • Renaissance

Join by public transport