Exposition : Dans l’’oeil de Frère Jean

  • Exposition : Dans l’’oeil de Frère Jean©
A poetic walk by Bernard Plossu (photographer) and Michel Butor (writer). In 1993, the Centre Permanent d?Initiatives pour l?Environnement (CPIE) Touraine Val de Loire commissioned photographer Bernard Plossu and writer Michel Butor to create a series of photographs and texts on the theme of Rabelais. Following their stroll through the sensitive and literary landscape of the author, they proposed the series “Dans l?il de Frère Jean”. L? Association Alcofribas@seuilly and Château de La Grille invite you to discover or rediscover this work.

Period (s) Morning Afternoon Opening day Closing day
01/06/2024 - 15/11/202410:0012:00--

  • Family event - for children category

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