Exposition Chasseurs de Mammouths

  • Exposition Chasseurs de Mammouths©
Francis Latreille was born in Gien. After more than 20 years with France-Soir, covering major world events, the reporter-photographer left the national daily. From 1995 onwards, he criss-crossed the southern and boreal lands on Jean-Louis Etienne?s expeditions, then with Bernard Buigues to the North Pole, Siberia and the Arctic, thanks to the “Mammuthus” program of large-scale scientific expeditions. Adult and baby mammoths, rhinoceroses, horses and bison were rescued intact from the Siberian ice and made available to the international scientific community. More than 50 photographs taken between 1997 and 2012 and loaned by Francis Latreille, accompanied by objects and equipment, illustrate this human epic around this mythical animal.Spoken languages ​​:French, English

Full adult price : 8,00 €

Child rate : 5,00 €

Discount rate : 5,00 €

Period (s) Morning Afternoon Opening day Closing day
21/09/2024 - 31/12/2024----

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