Et si on en parlait … spectacle : « Le journal d’une grosse patate »

  • Et si on en parlait … spectacle : « Le journal d’une grosse patate »©
Grosse Patate is the nickname they give her at school because she eats all the time. She knows she’s round and sweet. In her class are Rosemarie, the shy one, Rémi, her whipping boy, and Hubert, with whom everyone is in love. In her diary, Grosse patate recounts the sadness, happiness and questions of a little girl trying to understand the world. With Cécile Perrier (the speaker), Vincent Debats (the drawer) and Dominique Richard (the playwright and narrator). Created by Théâtre en Chemin

Period (s) Morning Afternoon Opening day Closing day
05/10/2024 - 05/10/202415:0015:45--

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