Et si on en parlait … au programme : des animations jeux vidéo

  • Et si on en parlait … au programme : des animations jeux vidéo©
Video games and virtual reality Wednesday, October 2, 2pm to 5pm, at the library’s Micro-Folie? digital museum, with the participation of Vivien Seugnet, video games mediator at the DDLP, and Lilou Cherriau, Micro-Folie mediator. Program: Ages 8 and up: Switch and PS4 consoles, 60-minute sessions with 8 players (4 per console) Ring Fit Adventure on Switch, featuring fitness-related mini-games Just Dance on Switch, with choreographed routines to well-known tunes Flower on PS4 or Zen bound on Switch: you physically swivel the controller in your hand to direct the wind/object on the screen Not Not on Switch, which puts players’ reflexes to the test For the over-12s: discover virtual reality

Period (s) Morning Afternoon Opening day Closing day
02/10/2024 - 02/10/202414:0017:00--

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