Coupe du monde intergalactique de BEER PONG

  • Coupe du monde intergalactique de BEER PONG©
More technical than the French Open, more physical than the European Football Cup and more prestigious than the Olympic Games, there’s a mythical competition that only Tours could host? the Beer Pong World Cup! On Thursday December 19, 2024, Radio Béton and Bateau Ivre invite you to the biggest international broadcast competition, with the now legendary P?tite Maiz brewery as official sponsor. So get your elbow up, your aim sharpened, your throw precise and, above all, your mind ready! The winning team will be the one that always keeps a healthy mind in a drunken body.

Period (s) Morning Afternoon Opening day Closing day
19/12/2024 - 19/12/202419:00---

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