Conférence – Rencontre : Histoire de Mammouths

  • Conférence – Rencontre : Histoire de Mammouths©
Régis Debruyne is a paleogeneticist at the Muséum national d?Histoire naturelle (MNHN) in Paris. He specializes in the history and evolution of the elephant family (mammoths and elephants). His work has taken him to every continent frequented by mammoths since their differentiation from their common ancestor with modern elephants over 5 million years ago. He took part in two missions to Siberia as part of the “MAMMUTHUS” consortium, in the company of Francis Latreille (photographer) and Bernard Buigues (explorer): in search of the best-preserved remains of the Taimyr permafrost, or the traces of the very last mammoths on Wrangel Island. He also took part in the autopsy of the Khroma woolly mammoth at Le Puy-en-Velay in 2010.Spoken languages ​​:French
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21/09/2024 - 21/09/202415:0016:30--

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