Concert Consonances baroques entre Italie et France

  • Concert Consonances baroques entre Italie et France©
Baroque Consonances between Italy and France: Two concerts and a conference France and Italy have always had close ties in the arts and music. The Baroque period was no exception to this tradition: Marc-Antoine Charpentier traveled to Rome to train with the great Carissimi, and Paolo Lorenzani came to Paris to work in the service of Queen Maria Theresa of Austria… This Franco-Italian collaboration will highlight two little-known composers of the period: Bonaventura Rubino and Claude Oudot.

Full adult price : 25,00 €

Discount rate : 20,00 €

Other rates : 12,00 €

Full adult price : 8,00 €

Period (s) Morning Afternoon Opening day Closing day
27/09/2024 - 27/09/2024----

Join by public transport