Concert 100% girls rock power

  • Concert 100% girls rock power©
Enjoy an unforgettable evening of music in Châtillon-sur-Loire on Saturday, November 9 at 8pm at the Salle du CSC, organized by ArtScène! Get ready to be swept away by the powerful sound of The Foxy Ladies and The Brunettes, two bands that perfectly embody the spirit of feminine rock. This concert promises to be a vibrant celebration of the music and energy of 100% Girls Rock Power. The talents of these musicians will make you dance, sing along and enjoy a unique experience. Tickets are just 10 euros, an unbeatable price for an evening of this scale. Don’t miss this opportunity to support the local music scene while having a great time. Come one, come all to make this a memorable evening!

Period (s) Morning Afternoon Opening day Closing day
09/11/2024 - 09/11/2024----

  • Night-time events category

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