Alingavia Nous sommes les temps qui viennent

  • Alingavia Nous sommes les temps qui viennent©
Born in Langeais, Alingavia brings together around fifty passionate choristers around its conductor, Catherine Martin. Each year, they explore a new facet of choral music, sometimes teaming up with professional ensembles, instrumentalists or other choirs from the Touraine region to realize large-scale projects. In recent years, their Misa Tango by M. Palmeri, Messe pour la Paix by K. Jenkins and Requiem by W. A. Mozart have been a great success with audiences in Touraine. Nous sommes les temps qui viennent (We are the times to come): What connection do we have with our planet and its inhabitants, humans and non-humans alike? By weaving together songs from the 20th and 21st centuries and literary texts, Alingavia will trace a sensitive path of reflection

Period (s) Morning Afternoon Opening day Closing day
17/11/2024 - 17/11/2024----

Join by public transport