River shuttles and ferries to cross the Loire
© J. Damase
You will cross over the Loire several times during your journey. At different points, there are ferries allowing you to change sides as well as passenger boats that you can board with your bike and enjoy drifting along the river for a short break… Just one more unusual way of discovering the Loire and combining boating with cycling during your outing. Best not to miss the ferry across the Loire!
Between Cour-sur-Loire and Montlivault
Les Marins du port de Chambord will transport you and your bikes across the river all summer.
Between Montlouis-sur-Loire and Vouvray
The Montlouis Vouvray Tourist Office, in partnership with Moments de Loire, is offering you the possibility of travelling from one bank to the other every 30 minutes from Saturday July 13 to Sunday August 25, 2024.
In La Chapelle-sur-Loire
La Rose des Vents and La Brise Chapelonne will transport you from one side to the other for free.
Trélazé, Port de la Chevalerie
The ferry links the Loire by bike route to the Ardoisières site in Trélazé.
Between Saint-Florent-le-Vieil and the market in Ancenis
Return ferry to Ancenis market from Saint-Florent-Le-Vieil, bikes welcome. Thursdays in July and August.
Find out more information at: www.loire-en-bateau.fr/sorties-touristiques/navette
In Nantes, between the ferry terminal and the village of Trentemoult
Navibus Loire. : 6 minutes. Departures every 10 or 20 minutes according to the period. Maximum 10 bikes.
Find out more information at: www.tan.fr
Between Basse Indre and Indret
Loire ferry crossing. Every 20 minutes. Free
More information at: https://inforoutes.loire-atlantique.fr/44/bacs-de-loire/bac-de-loire-liaison-basse-indre-indret/info_60322
Between Couëron and Le Pellerin
Loire ferry crossing. Every 20 minutes. Free
More information at: https://inforoutes.loire-atlantique.fr/jcms/bacs-de-loire-fr-dev_5006