The whole of this site is subject to French and international law concerning copyright and intellectual property. All reproduction rights are reserved, including document downloads and any iconographic and photographic depictions. All reproduction – even partial, irrespective of the format or medium – of the web site is strictly prohibited unless first authorised in writing by the Comité Régional du Tourisme du Centre (Loire Valley Tourist Board) and by Solutions&co, unless any such reproduction is purely for private use without any commercial purpose. In any such case the exact name and address of the site: will have to be mentioned clearly. The use of any hypertext link to the Internet site is subject to the same obligations except for any hypertext links which send the visitor to the home page.Funding
The website is funded by the Centre-Val de Loire Regional Tourist Board and Solutions&co, and is co-funded by the European Union. Europe is active in the Loire Valley through the European Regional Development Fund.

The information within the internet site is solely intended to help the tourist organise cycling trips along the Loire. The accuracy of this information is periodically checked and the information itself is updated on a very regular basis. However, errors or omissions beyond the control of Solutions&co and the du CRT Centre (Loire Valley Tourist Board) may from time to time find their way on to certain pages of the website. At all events, Solutions&co and the CRT Centre (Loire Valley Tourist Board) may not be held responsible for any prejudice, either direct or indirect (notably any financial, commercial, program or data loss), incurred as a result of the use of its site and of the use of data or information which is provided online. In particular, Solutions&co and the CRT Centre (Loire Valley Tourist Board) may not be held responsible for any damage arising from the use of online hypertext links on its site or from the consultation of any site to which these links may send the visitor. Solutions&co and le CRT Centre (Loire Valley Tourist Board) expressly remind users that they have neither any control over nor responsibility for the content of these sites. It is therefore the responsibility of every internet user to take the necessary precautions of checking that the site he or she has chosen to visit is not contaminated with viruses, Trojan horses or other parasites of a destructive nature.Data protection
The website has been declared to the Data Protection Authority (Commission nationale de l’informatique et des libertés CNIL) as an internet site with an automated data processing function in accordance with articles 15 and 16 of the Data Protection Act 78-17 of 6 January 1978 regarding information technology, files and freedom of the individual. You also have the right to access, modify and to delete any data concerning you, and you may do this by contacting us at: – The private data collected includes both personal data and data for electronic identification. The first type of data is the personal information that you provide us with when you order any literature, when you subscribe to the Newsletter or when you create your own Roadbook. The second type of data is the information which we receive from your computer and which allows us to identify your computer each time you connect to the Internet.